Pilates Mat Work: Just The Basics

It’s summertime, which translates to vacation time. Even for me! Last year, I was in Europe for 19 whole days. Road tripping through middle America doesn’t sound quite as exciting as Europe, but it is going to be great. Filled with good friends and family time.

I put together this beginning Pilates Matwork sequence for my clients to do while I was gone last year and it stands the test of time. When you just have 10 minutes, it’s always best to stick with the classics. You'll hit all the things you need. Here’s a little secret: it’s really only 9 minutes!

Remember: always listen to your body! If your neck hurts, don't lift your head. If your back hurts, adjust your legs. If it doesn't feel right, explore until you find a way. None of this is set in stone. Think of the graphic as "Cliff’s Notes", just a visual reminder.

And if you want to schedule an individual pilates session, just click here!


Client Spotlight: Linda


Client Spotlight: Dana