Friends + Family Group Pilates Sessions

I hope that these last few weeks (months? years? eternities?) have been going well for you, and that you and your loved ones are healthy. I know that for me, friends and family have been my rocks and I'm not sure how I'd be doing this without them. Between virtual dance parties, weekly happy hours, and calls with long lost friends, I'm feeling closer than ever to the people I care about. 

I've actually been having a fantastic time teaching you all virtually, and am learning a lot about how to get creative and work in this new setting. Plus, seeing all your babies, dogs, and cats is a pretty cute added bonus.

With all this in mind, I'm excited to announce "Friends and Family" sessions, now available online. Have you been wanting to do the plank with your cousin in Amsterdam, or stretch it out with your friend from Phoenix? Now you can with my new "private small group sessions" which supports up to four screens with one flat rate!

As always, I'm here to help you feel the best you can during this time of uncertainty. Please reach out and let me know via email or text how I can best support you. Hoping to see you soon on Zoom! 

Stay healthy,

P.S. Remember! I'm teaching group classes twice a week on Zoom. Click here to sign up.


COVID-19 Clean Studio Update


Ebb and Flow: In Pilates And Life